In Progress... #001 | JUST START

In Progress... #001 | JUST START

By Creative Department

A newsletter of my thoughts around creating, design, developing products, and building a brand.

Just Start.

That's the big secret. Whatever you want to do, just start.

A lot of people spend too much time planning. They try to figure out every little detail and make sure everything is perfect before they even begin. Planning can be helpful, but it can also hold you back. You can get stuck trying to make it perfect and never actually do anything. And while you’re waiting for the perfect moment, time keeps moving. Days, weeks, even years can go by, and that idea you were so excited about just sits there, collecting dust.

"Perfection is the enemy of progress." — Winston Churchill

I’ve done this a bunch of times. I’ve had so many ideas that just stayed in notebooks because I spent too much time trying to get them right. And guess what? They didn’t fail because they were bad ideas. Okay, maybe some of them were pretty bad, but that's besides the point. They failed because I didn’t start. I was too worried about making every detail perfect, and in the end, I never gave those ideas a chance to even take off. I let overthinking stop me before I could ever get any momentum.

When I started Creative Department, it wasn’t perfect. Not even close. And honestly, it’s still not perfect. It’s still a work in progress, something I’m taking steps on every day to make better. But I started anyway. I took the first step and then the next one. And little by little, it started to grow. That’s what made it real. That’s what kept it moving forward. I didn’t know exactly what it was going to turn into, but I didn’t let that stop me. I kept going, and now it’s becoming something bigger than I first imagined.

Momentum doesn’t come from thinking about starting. It comes from actually starting.

So if there’s something you’ve been thinking about—an idea, a project, or anything else—just start. Don’t stress about making it perfect. Just take the first step and see where it leads. It doesn’t matter if it’s messy or unfinished. What matters is that you’re doing it. Because once you’re in motion, things start to happen. Ideas evolve. Plans change. And you figure things out as you go.

Waiting for the perfect time or the perfect plan usually means waiting forever. So don’t wait. Start today. Even if it’s small. Even if it’s just writing down the idea or sketching out a rough version. Starting is what separates ideas from reality.

Talk soon,
- Nick from Creative Department

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